Sirm partners back regional Geneva Rendez-Vous to deliver collaboration and better risk management solutions

The Swiss insurance market says the new Sirm Geneva Rendez-Vous is an important development that provides real opportunity to share views and knowledge in the French-speaking part of Switzerland, consider regional perspectives and build that vital tripartite collaboration as the Swiss risk management association spreads its wings.

Sirm’s insurance market partners told Commercial Risk at the recent inaugural Rendez-Vous in the Romandie region that they support the association’s bid to branch out across Switzerland and build regional events that bring all key players together to, ultimately, better manage risk. This is, after all, what everyone in the risk management and transfer chain is trying to achieve.

As we spoke to the market players attending what is set to become an annual event, they stressed that insurance ultimately remains a people business and so in-person meetings remain vital.

“It is great what Sirm is doing by branching out into the different regions of Switzerland, because this increases stakeholder engagement on all sides and creates a really effective and impactful dynamic to work within. Insurance continues to be a people business and there is nothing more powerful or compelling than meeting face to face,” said Herndon Stokes, head of distribution and client relationship management for insurance in continental Europe at Sompo.

He said the Rendez-Vous is set to become a really important forum to help insurers, clients and brokers get together and exchange views, insights and ideas. “It creates a fantastic chance for all sides to discuss current issues within the relationship, along with potential opportunities… the tripartite relationship is critical,” added Stokes.

Moreno Bühler, country manager for Switzerland at AXA XL Insurance, agreed that the latest Sirm initiative is an important step to help the insurance market and its clients come together and achieve their common goal – managing risk.

“Ultimately, we all share the exact same purpose: As risk managers, brokers and insurers it is our mandate to manage risks. We all contribute in different roles to prevent adverse situations from happening, and if something happens, to help mitigate the impact. This is our common purpose. This also means that many of the priorities we all share can only be achieved if we join forces and collaborate across the entire ecosystem,” he said.

“Let me give you a general but simple example: If someone has a new approach to help prevent bodily injuries in factories, it can and should be shared to everyone’s benefit. This is where a network like Sirm can make a huge difference,” added the insurer.

Sirm’s other partners who attended the invite-only event were equally effusive about the gathering in Geneva, which attracted almost 100 attendees, with 60% of these risk managers.

Massimo Luperto, customer and distribution manager in the Romandie region at HDI Global Switzerland, said events like the Sirm Geneva Rendez-Vous facilitate knowledge sharing, interaction between experts and collaboration to help understand emerging risks and develop effective strategies. “By participating in these events, HDI Global leverages the opportunity to connect with companies that totally align with our approach and can effectively utilise our expertise to enhance their risk management processes,” he continued.

Urs Lüthy, head of commercial insurance in Switzerland for Zurich Insurance, agreed that such events play a crucial role in facilitating knowledge exchange and engagement between risk managers and insurance partners. The Rendez-Vous in Romandie is especially vital for French-speaking professionals, he added. “This new platform offers an opportunity for us to connect with risk managers, understand their evolving needs, and showcase our expertise,” he said.

His fellow insurer, Rudolf Scheller, general representative and vice-president at FM Global Insurance Europe, Switzerland, stressed the importance of events like the Sirm Geneva Rendez-Vous that provide an opportunity to consider regional perspectives and ensure the insurance market is fully interacting with risk managers in western Switzerland.

“Since the insurance industry is primarily based in the eastern part of Switzerland, this event facilitates connections with clients, brokers and other stakeholders. The strong interest shown by risk managers underscores the importance of such a local event, and the high number of attendees enhances networking opportunities,” said Scheller.

And brokers too clearly see the value in coming together face to face, searching for new and better risk-management solutions.

“Collaboration between all stakeholders in the (re)insurance chain is always valuable to everyone that is involved. Understanding corporate clients’ wants and needs, as well as their risk tolerance and appetite for risk, are important factors, all of which are easier to achieve by attending face-to-face events like the Sirm Geneva Rendez-Vous,” said Andy Ewen and Chris Sutton from McGill and Partners.

“These events provide a great platform to engage and to discuss and understand the challenges and opportunities among the Swiss client base and exchange experiences and ideas, gained from work in other jurisdictions and with global multinational clients. We fully advocate a transparent relationship between clients, insurers and ourselves, as the results delivered are so much greater by working in a collaborative partnership with open communication,” they added.

Aon’s chief of staff in Switzerland, Dorian Buono, said his firm supports events like the one organised by Sirm in Geneva for several reasons. Firstly, they provide the right platform to share intelligence and good practices with a community of professionals facing similar challenges. Secondly, the format allows dedicated time for deeper discussions, building views on mid and long-term projects that do not easily find free slots in busy agendas. And finally, they provide an opportunity to connect with professionals in a “pleasant” environment and welcome new joiners from all parties, said Buono.

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